
Do You Know the Right Way Before Preserving Vegetables?

Vegetables cannot be kept well in summer or even in winter. Also, it is impossible to go to the market every day on busy days. The picture of the vegetable market also changes depending on the season. The vegetables that you get in winter, you will not find them even if you look for them in monsoon or summer. The list of vegetables available throughout the year is not very long. But why not eat? That’s why, refrigerators are becoming our trust.

Best Vegetable Freezing Rules:

Buy more at a time and refrigerate smartly. But even in the refrigerator, vegetables cannot be kept well for a long time, in addition, the quality of the food is likely to decrease. So what way to store raw vegetables for a long time? There are some good rules for vegetable storage. It is important to follow them. Now, know the easy ways to store vegetables in the fridge for months.

Cut, blanch, and de-bleach:

To maintain the quality of vegetables, it is necessary to employ proper techniques for cutting and storing. It is imperative to carefully blanch and de-bleach a significant amount of vegetables individually. For those who enjoy cooking frequently and struggle to acquire fresh produce during the off-season, it is understandable to desire refrigerated storage at home. While there may be concerns about the quality of frozen vegetables, cutting and storing them correctly is the solution. The process involves carefully blanching a large quantity of vegetables individually and refrigerating them, allowing for their use at any time. Proper refrigeration is key to preserving the freshness of vegetables for an extended period of time.

Prepare the vegetables:

Take your favorite vegetables, such as carrots, beans, or beans. You can choose vegetables that are mostly not available in the off-season. First, wash the vegetables properly and dry them with a clean towel. Now peel the carrot and cut it into small cubes or pieces. Then peel the peas and put them in a bowl. You can also cut the beans into small pieces if you want.

Boil well:

Fill a large pot full of water. Throw the chopped carrots into the pot. Sprinkle 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt in the pot and mix well. Keep the flame a little higher and keep the water boiling. After a while heat the water on a medium flame for a few minutes. Once the carrots are cooked, switch off the flame and drain all the water. Boil peas and beans in the same manner.

Dry the vegetables after blanching them:

Pour the cooked vegetables directly into a glass bowl filled with cold water and ice cubes. Place the vegetables in ice-cold water for 12-15 minutes after the cooking process has stopped. Now drain all the water from the vegetables. Place a towel on the kitchen slab. Now keep the carrots separately on the towel and spread them properly on the towel. Now, use another towel and gently press the carrots with it to dry them. Now keep the carrots under a fan for another 15 minutes to dry them completely. Separate and dry other vegetables in this manner.

Store the vegetables for last:

Take properly dried carrots and put them in a zip-lock bag. Now squeeze out all the air from the plastic bag and zip it well. Make sure the bag is airtight and there is no chance of air inside. Use separate zip lock bags for other vegetables and place the vegetables in them in the same manner. Now keep these vegetable bags in the fridge. In this way, if you keep the vegetables separately in the refrigerator, they can be stored for about 6 months. Whenever you need, you can take out the vegetables from this zip-lock bag and start using them.

Next, here are some more special vegetables and the ways how to store them in the refrigerator for a long time.

What are the ways to preserve capsicum, tomato, broccoli, radish, and cabbage?

If you want to preserve these vegetables, first cut them into small pieces. Then wash it well and drain the water and keep it in a zip lock bag in the deep freeze. After a few hours take one out and shake it lightly so that the vegetable pieces do not stick to each other. In this way, these vegetables can be eaten for a long time and the quality will also be good.

How to preserve bitter gourd, parwal, jhinga, rind, and chichinga?

Wash these vegetables first in salted water. No need to peel the vegetables. Wrap the vegetables in a thin cloth and keep them in a large zip-lock bag in the fridge. Vegetables will stay fresh for weeks if stored this way.

What are the ways to preserve green beans, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes?

First, wash the vegetables well and peel them. Then cut into thin slices, soak in salted water for a while, and drain and dry in the sun. When the vegetable water is completely dry, store it in an airtight box in the refrigerator.

How to preserve ripe sweet pumpkins?

Ripe sweet pumpkins can be made into pills and eaten for a long time. Ripe sweet pumpkins can be made into pills and stored for more than a year. Apart from this, you can also cut the rice pumpkin and make marmalade and keep it. Nutrients are intact in marmalade. Raw rice can be stored for several months if it is cut from the pumpkin plant immediately and lime is applied to the cut part of the plant.

How to store vegetables?

No matter how much care is taken, vegetables cannot be stored for long after they are bought from the market. However, after buying it from the market, it will be good for a few days if it is wrapped in polythene or newspaper and kept in a normal refrigerator. Lettuce leaves, coriander leaves, mint leaves, and curry leaves can be preserved in this way. If you want to store vegetables for a day or two, keep them in a dark, ventilated place.

How to store green chilies?

To store green chilies, first, remove the stems after bringing them from the market. Then leave it in the air for a while. Now you can use it comfortably for 3-4 weeks if you put it in a plastic basket and keep it in the refrigerator. But never store green chilies in the deep freezer. It reduces the taste and quality of the curry.

How to store Beans?

If properly stored, it is possible to keep beans fresh year-round. But don’t put too many beans together. A maximum of 2-3 kg of beans can be stored in the refrigerator. First, peel the beans and wash them well. After that drain the water and boil it lightly. When the beans are cool, wrap them in blotting paper. Air-dry in an airtight container, then store in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator. Will be good for up to six months.

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